Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Warmth of Christmas

So, how was everyone's Christmas? Good, I hope. Christmas went by in the Asshole household without a hitch. Giant Microbes were a big hit this year as Delta-Boy got Tuberculosis, Zebra-Girl got Flesh-Eating Virus, Sierra-Girl got the Black Death, Bravo-Boy got Athelete's Foot, and Yankee-Boy got the Ebola Virus. Mamahole got the Common Cold, and I got myself a House Fly, a carrier of microbes...

One of my big gifts, and some of you may laugh, but one of my big gifts this year were sleep socks. Socks not worn because you are walking out in public in shoes, but thick, warm socks worn because you are at home, you're comfortable, but if not for those sleep socks, your toes would be cold. Now to make sure you understand why the sleep socks were one of the big hits of my Christmas, you have to understand how my feetses got around before Christmas morning...
Man, those are some cold, unhappy feet. Notice how my new House Fly loves my feet. It's not that they are stank feet. Eau Contraire! It's the holey socks.

Oh! Holey Socks
The Toes are Gently Peeking
It is the holes in our poor, smelly socks....

So my most wonderful wife got me new Sleep Socks for my poor toesies...

Nothing says Christmas like warm, flyless toes. Merry Christmas everybody!


At 4:10 PM, Blogger Mrs. Chili said...

I GAVE socks this year, but was not the recipient of same. I lurves me some cozy socks....

At 1:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:25 PM, Blogger amyplus4 said...

Just wanted to say that it was heartwarming to read your blogs. Read the entire thing and it was great. I would ask what you were up to...but after seeing you have five babies-well I know what you were doing! Just kidding! Hope you and your entire farm have a great new year!


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