Monday, December 24, 2007

Enough With Political Childishness

I sat down this morning with my newspaper hoping not to find too much death and misery and I was greeted with something else disturbing of a different nature. Professional childishness.

The headline: "Romney targets Huckabee"

Doing a Google search of the phrase "Romney targets Huckabee" and you get 2,000 plus pages. That's with the quotes. My question is...why?

I'd go off on a whole rant about Romney and how he can't seem to convince everyone he can be president without demeaning his opponents abilities and characters...but it's not just Romney.

Another headline: "Obama fires back at Bill Clinton"


Ok, that question is brought from two thoughts. Not just "Why can't a politician just say why he's the best choice for president without saying why the other person isn't the best choice?" Also, why are we even talking to Bill? If I was Obama, the only "firing back" I would do would be to say, "I thought your wife was running for president, not you."

When Dubya ran, his father didn't get this much attention. No wives get so much press time.

Anyway, that's not my focus here...Why do Americans want to see their prospective leaders fighting like middle schoolers? In a classroom, if students were blaming, finger pointing, insulting, and ridiculing each other, like our politicians do, the students would get in trouble. They'd be told to knock it off.

So I leave you with two questions to ponder:

1) Why do we hold our elementary and middle school aged children to higher standards of behavior than our political leaders?

2) Where's the politician with the strength of character to say, "I will not bother slandering my opponent's name. I will not stoop to mudslinging. I will explain why I should be president, and refute my opponents' disparaging remarks, and that it all." Where is that politician? Because that politician I would be happy to vote for, regardless of party.


At 10:12 AM, Blogger Mrs. Chili said...


I, too, have had it up to HERE with the politics. I live in the Northeast, where we get HAMMERED with political ads, campaigners and phone calls. Just the other day, I had more mail from political candidates than I did ANYTHING else. Seriously, I had a phone bill and two Christmas cards, then two fliers from Clinton, three from Guilani, and one each from McCain, Obama, and Romney. I'm sick of all of 'em....


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