Saturday, May 27, 2006

Day Two of SUmmer Vacation

Today marks day two of my summer vacation. I've learned more about my children than I really wanted to know. These are things that I've seen before, but that sheer regularity of these things is...staggering.

Bravo-Boy and Sierra-Girl, aged almost 1 and 2 respectively, are archenemies. Sierra-Girl has a toy...Bravo-Boy takes the toy...Sierra-Girl takes it back...Bravo-Boy takes it back again...much screaming insues.

Zebra-Girl is the clumsiest, most hurtingest baby in the world. She runs and trips. She stands and falls. She walks past a door or a wall or air and bumps her head. Much screaming insues.

Delta-Boy, age 4, is trying to be a real human and take control of his life. Unfortunately, what he wants to do with his TV, boss his sibs around, eat nothing but rice krispy treats and gummy worms, take full ownership of every toy in the house...These things tend to run contrary to how PTMamma (Pretty Tired (of Me Being Home) Mamma) want his world to be. So, there's more head butting in a day than in a World Wide Wrestling Smackdown...and much screaming ensues.

Now, here's the you notice a pattern? Yes...screaming...

Oh, and my earlier Poo Post...about how I seem to be a catalyst for poo production in babies...yep, still going strong. Your baby constipated and crabby? Give me a more than five minutes in my presence, and you'll be in the middle of a shit storm...

Maybe I need to work on that sales pitch...


At 10:36 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

Have you been secretly peeking into our (not so) quiet little lives?
We have much screaming here too. My boys are 2, 3 almost 4, and 5.
Add that 2 of them are autistic, and we have more screaming than 10000 teenyboppers at a boy band concert.

At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Alexis said...

Thanks for thiss


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