Sunday, August 19, 2007

Day 2: The Treasure Hunt

The second day back to school was a little better, if not productive. Principal Trinity set up a game where we teachers were put into groups and sent out following clues until we found the final clue leading us to where we all would reunite for lunch.

I was partnered with Jinny, the guidance counselor, Bonita, our secretary, and the new middle school science teacher, Mrs. Dorian. We had a great time. It was a lot of fun.


As mentioned yesterday, I still have a lot of work to do in preparation for this new school year. I'd be a little less concerned except that tomorrow I have faculty development all day and Tuesday we have the District kick-off followed by, faculty development, so I can only hope that Wednesday I'll be left alone in my room for the entire day.

I'll let you know how things progress.

Oh, and check out Rosemond's article about school uniforms. I agree with everything he says, and I found particular interest when he stated that, "by sending a child to a public school, a parent consents, a priori, to government "interference" in child-rearing matters." I especially agree with this considering the number of parents expecting the school to do such things as teaching their children about sex, and disciplining their children in isolation without the crucial parental discipline necessary to let the child know that it's not "just a school thing" when he gets in trouble.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

New School Year: Day 1

So on Thursday, the school year started back. No students yet, just the pre-student set-up week. I should say "set-up" because I've only spent about an hour and a half working on getting ready for the new school year. That's for two days equaling 16 hours on the job. That's not for my laziness. I mean I have laziness, and that's usually the reason why I don't get things done. But not this time baby! I am STRESSED!

See, I've been moved to a new room (read portable) and everything of mine is in a box. Well, not one box, but several boxes strewn about about my room.

Mrs. Chili, riddle me this...should I say "everything is in a box" or "everything is in boxes"?

Ok, where was I?

Oh, yes, things, boxes, not ready for school to start! So, for fun, let's add some items to my "Gotta Get It Done Before Day One" list.

I learned on my first day back in the "Welcome back, here's what changed" meeting with Trinity (She's the third principal I've worked for at Alternate Reality School of Excellence, or Arse). I go from teaching 4 classes to 6. Classes are cut from 70 minutes to 48 minutes. One of my classes is a middle school reading accellaration program which I've had exposure to in the past, ans the other is a high school elective class.

Bloody high school.

I asked Principal Trinity what I was to do with this unnamed High School elective class.

Trinity: "Well, it can be anything you want it to be, but I can tell you what I was thinking?"
Asshole: "Ok, what did you have in mind?"
Trinity: "Just a Creative Writing class where you could head up the school newsletter. I don't want it to be something you have to plan for, so just go in and do whatever you want."

HAHAHAHAHAH! Not plan for. Yeah, ok. See, if you want me to head up the school newsletter, I'm going to want to teach some journalism and throw in the fun stuff for filler. The poetry and short stories and such, the stuff I could "just wing it with" would be just padding. Basically, I'm thinking predominantly a journalism course.

Query: Has the Asshole had anything to do with a journalism class before now?


Now, technically I could go to Principal Trinity and say, "You know, I think I'd rather teach a class on how comic books have affected culture," and she'd probably say, "Yeah, ok."

I make that assertion because a coworker, this year we'll call her Bess, was in the same boat and she said, "Can I teach sewing?" There were some parameters about reaching out to the community, but she pretty much got the go ahead.

But here's my problem...I'm a Work With-er. Had she said, "I want you to teach sex ed," I would say, after inquiring, "Why don't you want me to teach Ed sex?" I would respond, "Ok, am I just going over the basics or are we talking techniques and Kama Sutra?"

In a world of Work Againsters, I'm a Worth With-er. So it's my fault, but now I've asked the district language arts head about journalism teachers and I'm scouring the net for resources on teaching journalism.

So, students return to school in T-Minus 4 days...this Thursday. I need to:

1. Unpack and set up room.
2. Develop parameters of two new classes.
3. Get stuff ready for the six total classes I'm teaching on Thursday.
4. Figure out how to do the same amount of teaching with a lot less time.

Freaking out!

But no, I'm not done...I also have the pleasure of Arse (Alternative Reality School of Excellence) politics.

The middle school teachers were held after for some clarifications on the changes I've already shared. During the extended meeting, I decided I'd share a concern that was shared with me from Bess and Bull, my coworkers from last year. See, I decided this would be a good opportunity to show that we could be a team and reassert myself to a position of leadership in the middle school. But I should have held my tongue. I said to Principal Trinity, "The others talked with me and I shared some of their concerns about the new behavior policy, and we'd like to present for your consideration a melding of our old system and your new system. Blah, blah, blah."

The others were...silent. Trinity's retort: "The intent of the new policy is to blah blah blah and blah blah blah. What about if blah blah?"

Bess chimes in: "Yeah, we could blah blah."

Asshole Interior Monologue: "Man, my ass hurts. I think I've been screwed. What are you talking about Bess? This doesn't alleviate your concerns."

Well, I just said, "Ok," cause while I don't agree with all of Trinity's assertions, as stated above, I'm a Work With-er. The only reason I said anything to mend fences. Well, I don't seem to be a fence mender. So I shut up. Anyway, I wanted to get out of there so I could help Mrs. Asshole pay school fees for Delta-Boy, our first kindergartener.

Bess and Bull finally chimed in some things in very non-assertive ways. More like points of clarification than points of contention.

So stressed and annoyed.

Day 2 was better save for not working in my room...but I'll share that tomorrow.

Oh, in case you didn't notice, I do want to clarify. The names used in this post do refer to some of the same people referred to in previous posts. But I figured new year, new names, so in order to help with anonymity, I changed the names again. Also, that's why I used "blahs" for the conversation up there. The details aren't important, and going for the whole "plausible deniability" thing.

Come back tomorrow for Day 2 of the new year.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

No, My Adventures with Yogi Aren't Over

I actually need to catch you up on two weeks worth of adventure.

When we left off, Yogi had shown some minor improvement showing up before my patience threshold was hit, and even early one day. Granted he called in sick on Friday. Raise your hands if you've ever called in sick on Friday to start an early vacation. Exactly.

Monday - A phonecall right before I left saying he was still sick. This boy needs to live in a bubble.

Tuesday - He shows up at school before I even leave the house, but tells the principal that he can't come in today because he has to take his girlfriend to the hospital. I'll keep my thoroughly inappropriate, unprofessional comments to myself.

Wednesday - On the way to work, I get a call from mom. Seems, Yogi is stressed out. It seems that summer school and time spent with me is just too much for him. Plus, he wants to get a job. He's also decided he doesn't have time to complete the class for credit. He was wondering, all his idea of course, if I could just tutor him in a subject he needs tutoring in, and if we can pick back up after summer school is through for the summer.

Naturally, I say that I can't just make that decision on my own, but I'll communicate the request to my superiors, and I'd get back to her. I did call back and leave a message saying that weekend to say we could pick up on Monday with the tutoring, "I'll see him at our regular time."

Monday - No show. No call. Nothing.

Friday - Previous days had already been rescheduled for macation time. But again, no show, no call, nothing. I called mom to say that I was concerned because he hadn't shown up in the last couple of days, but he still has a few hours he can take advantage of before school starts back. "I'll be expecting him on Monday." Mom has yet to call me back.

The secretary, when I told her I'd see her Monday, responded, "You're going to give him another chance?"

I explained that until the parent or one of my bosses says not to worry about it, I'm going to go in just in case he shows up. If he comes in and I'm not there, oh, I would be so wrong for that. So it's Cover Your Asshole time.

One more week...let's see what happens.