Monday, April 30, 2007

Book Preference Meme

Ok, I found this blogger, The Tense Teacher, in Mrs. Chili's blogroll and the most recent post is a meme, and I love memes...So, here we go...

Science Fiction, Fantasy or Horror? Oh, horror easily. Science Fiction comes second with Fantasy a far, though still seen, third.

Hardback or Trade paperback or Mass market paperback? Hardback. Trade paperback, in terms of books, I'm not sure I am familiar with. Trades I think of comics, and I love my comics and I love the trades, but I thinking books, not comics. I'm sure it references something that I am aware of but don't realize it, but I love hardback books over all, so it doesn't really matter anyway.

Amazon or Brick and Mortar? As Tense Teacher was a bit confuzzled, so was took me a bit to figure out what was going on...In the end, brick and mortar because I want to hold the book, see what's awaiting me. Amazon, and other online booksellers, makes me wonder if what sounds like a great book...isn't.

Barnes & Noble or Borders? Barnes...I love Barnes

Hitchhiker or Discworld? Hitchhiker...'nuff said!

Bookmark or Dog-ear? I hate to admit it, but dog-ear. I have tried bookmark, but it never sticks. I'm a horrible, horrible reader.

Asimov’s Science Fiction or Fantasy & Science Fiction? Never been a huge Asimov fan, but if I had to pick...Science Fiction...

Alphabetize by author, Alphabetize by title, or Random? In a perfect world, by title. There'd be an order, and yet at the same time a randomness. You could easily find what you wanted, but reading in order you'd most likely get any genre.

Keep, Throw away or Sell? Keep, then give away, never sell (unless something special, but then I'd probably keep), and never throw away.

Keep dust-jacket or Toss it? I'm a keeper, though I'm learning the ways of the dark side.

Read with dustjacket or Remove it? See above.

Short story or Novel? I'm a lover of short stories. I have a short attention span.

Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket? Easy...Harry Potter.

Stop reading when tired or at Chapter breaks? Chapter break. There's at least some degree of resolution.

“It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time?” "Dark and stormy" easily. "Once upon a time" can be interesting, but not captivating.

Buy or Borrow? I'd rather buy a book I might not like, than to borrow a book I might love.

Buying choice: Book Reviews, Recommendation or Browse? Browse. I'm a better judge of what I would enjoy than any other human.

Lewis or Tolkien? Tolkien...'Nuff Said!

Collection (short stories by the same author) or Anthology (short stories by different authors)? Ooh, tough one. I've probably read more same author anthologies mainly because of King's various short story anthologies, but I prefer, I think, anthologies, because of the different writing styles, yet a connection by some theme...

Tidy ending or Cliffhanger? Neither. I don't want to wait months for the next book. But if an ending is too tidy, then I have little to think about once I put the book down.

Morning reading, Afternoon reading or Nighttime reading? ANy time, though if I had any control of my time, it would be nighttime. I think technically I read more in the morning and afternoon.

Stand alone or Series? For books, stand alone. But as a comic book reader, I can appreciate a series.

New or used? I've never shied from a used book, but I prefer new.

Favorite book of which nobody else has heard? Spares by Michael Marshall Smith

Top 5 favorite genre books of all time? Uh, doesn't any novel fall into a genre...Bag of Bones by Stephen King, Salem's Lot by Stephen King, and any collection of H.P. Lovecraft.

Favorite genre series? The Dark Tower by Stephen King

Currently Reading? Don't Try This at Home by Hunter S. Fulghum. I've learned how to conduct a hostage rescue, tow an iceburg, break into Fort Know, Swim the English Channel, fly through the eye of a hurricane, and salvage part of the Titanic. With this practical knowledge, the world is my oyster!

Alright, that’s it, but you fellow English teacher and book lover types better not let me down… I expect y’all to steal this one and have it filled out soon! Don’t make me start calling you out by name.

Frustration Station - Vent Warning!

Well, I had a meltdown today. I lost my temper with one of my classes and did what I endeavor not to do ever...I yelled. I didn't cuss...I didn't focus on one student...I just lost my temper with the lot of the students at the same time.

My reaction was due to the fact that everyday I discipline them for the same things...every day...same thing...every day...and I couldn't understand why they were still pulling it. With four weeks left, some of them have very little wiggle room before they get booted out for too many write-ups...and they kepp doing the same stuff. One student asked me why I taught there if I didn't like them...

First, from an 5-8 year old, that statement would bring a stunning revelation to me about how my treatment of the students is causing a problem. But from a teenager who should be able to recognize that he intentionally tries to get away with as much stuff as possible, well...not so touching. There was no epiphany this time. I responded that I did like them and if you consider how many times I give a gentle verbal request to correct the bahavior rather than sticking to the letter of the law, then they'd realize that's me trying to help them get to the end of the year because I like them. I cited some specific examples where I said, "I should write you up, but..." I said that I didn't feel that my efforts to help them make it through the year were appreciated because they were unwilling to curb their behavior in the slightest. I said that if I care more about their finishing the year out than they care, then I'll just stop and be the hard nose they already think I am.

I know some will wonder why I don't just stick to the letter of the law, but this group of kids, half of them would be sent to the office before half the class was over. Maybe a couple of days of that would get the message across, but some of these students, I swear I'm not sure it would work. I'm not a "nice teacher". I get on them about EVERYTHING. Which is why I use gentle reminders rather than actual disciplinary steps most of the time.

And part of the problem is that they get away with this stuff in the other classes. Clipboards follow the students from class to class with a record of disciplinary steps and most classes most days have more marks from me than other students. I easily doled out more discipline with this class than any other teacher. And they get away with in at their homeschools. And they get away with it because as far as the parents were concerned, their angels shouldn't get in trouble just for talking in class...He has, after all, some disorder...He's bored...If I was a more entertaining teacher, I would have this problem.

Well, I apologized to every student individually at the end of class, because I do not like losing my temper...I do not like yelling, but I will say that sometimes I need to let them know how I feel, because they spend so much time sharing how they feel, and it's never complimentary. I also informed the principal because I don't want her to get a phonecall, "That Mr. Asshole is yelling at my son!" and she be unaware. I want her to be able to say, "Yes, ma'am. He spoke with me about the incident."

I'm just feeling really frustrated. It's that time of year. Happens every year...the, "Geez, same shit different day, same shit different day, no talking while I'm teaching, keep your hands to yourself, don't throw stuff or you're going to the office, leave him alone, knock it off, you don't like my golf pencils then you should bring your own from home, same shit, different day, same shit, same shit." And I really did want them to understand that I'm not out to get them and they are being unfair if they think that's my goal, but then this has been the year for misunderstanding about this asshole. I spend less time in my room and my coworkers rooms because I'm out spying...not trying to be more accessible to assist when needed. I'm not calling my family or visiting more often because...I don't know why they think...but it's certainly not because I work hard, and I have a farm that needs tending, and children whom I have to consider before I make any plans, and have meetings, and papers to grade, and lesson plans to prepare...God, I'm not just an asshole, I'm a self-centered asshole! I spend all my time trying to understand other people's points of view so that I WON'T assume the worst, and everyone else seems to be doing the opposite to me...Assume the worst, fuckers...cause the way things are going, you might really get it...

Sunday, April 29, 2007

I've Caught the STDs

NO! Not those kinds of STDs you jerks...geez. You should be thinking, "I know he couldn't have caught a sexually transmitted disease! He must be making a clever play on words."

STDs = Standardized Testing Doldrums

I got drafted by the high school portion of my school to help monitor the standardized test that high school students have to pass in order to receive a diploma. Ugh. They were testing more students this year than ever before and they just didn't have enough people. This test, as with most standardized tests, requires high security and that means one test administrator and one monitor. They took me out of my classroom so that I could watch students taking a test. Ugh.

I stood for at least two hours each day, ambling around the class of no more than eight students, for three days straight. I couldn't sit. I couldn't read. Watch and walk were my requirements.

Now, the original set-up was that a substitute coming in for one of the teachers helping the test coordinator administer the test to a student in the afternoon who needed special accomodations, would come to my room in the morning until the testing for the day was done, and then I'd return to my proper life as a teacher. Nuh-uh. That didn't happen. Apparently one sub became two, and I can only imagine how that transpired. "He CANNOT use MY sub for half a day and it get recorded in MY file." I'm sure something similar was said after the plan was originally hatched. It didn't really matter to me except...

Since we had a substitute who could cover for me the whole day, the parameters of my draft were extended. I became an educational free-agent/ass-of-all-trades. I was to be wherever I was needed. I got called down to my portable to calm my class who decided that ELA meant Energetic Lobbing Academy...Unfortunately, my sub had no control of my class on her last day in my room and they decided to hurl pencils about. If I taught science they could have argued they were demonstrating projectile dynamics or creating a three-diminsional live display of a meteor shower. In an English/Language Arts class, it's just throwing junk. I become the high school gym substitute. High school gym at my school seems to be where one can go and see into the Eighth Ring of Hell. Actually, that holds equally true for middle school gym. I sat in on a couple of classes while a teacher was running a bit behind.

I didn't mind, technically. I mean, I've always felt my job isn't just to teach in my classroom. My job is to do whatever needs to be done to ensure the smooth running of the school overall. But I was bored out of my mind for three days and I lost three days of education in my classroom. I remember when I first started...If someone said, "Hey, can we come in during your classtime and do this program?" or "Look, there's this thing I want you to go to, so we'll put a sub in your room," I would jump at the opportunity. "YES! PLEASE! TAKE THE PRESSURE OFF ME!" I couldn't understand my partner (there were only two of us then) who would refuse pretty much every intrusion. Now I understand. I want to be in my room. I don't want to show movies anymore. I want to teach. I have stuff I need to impart.

Clearly that doesn't mean I say "no," though. I just don't feel relief anymore.

One of the reasons it was a bad three days was possibly my imagination. I got the feeling that my middle school team resented me being in the high school. It may be my imagination stemming from earlier in the year when I was considered a spy by my team, but I think they thought I was getting a sweet deal. Well, uh, fuck no. It was horrible. I was a watch dog. I watched. Ugh. Give me lesson plans and unruly students any day over a standardized testing day.

But at least I think my STDs are clearing up. I've been told to expect a relapse, however, as the 6 days of standardized tests are set to arrive in my middle school next week. Ugh.