Tuesday, July 04, 2006


I love America and today's her birthday.

Thomas J. DiLorenzo has some interesting things to say on this day...I agree with a lot of what he says. Hell, all that he says here.

I do disagree, however, with this sudden preoccupation with what the founding fathers of our nation intended, thought, believed...etc. One, it's funny that they are spoken of as if they were all the same person with the same singular view, which isn't true. They often disagreed. So, when I hear, "The founding father's were against Capitalism [or what have you]..." Well, clearly, some of them were not. Also, 200 years changes how society views the world. In fact, I would wager, that some of the founding fathers realized that and thus we have Amendments, thus giving us the ability to change the Constitution.

And kind of off topic I want to throw out one explosive rant...Those of you walking around saying that you are embarrassed of America and that you are American because you disagree with the current government...Grow up. How can you be embarrassed in a country where we will vastly change the government in 2 years. And every 4 we have the chance too. Every 4 years we get to review our leader's progress and say either, "Here, let's see what you can do in the next 4 years." or "You know, I think we've seen enough...don't call us, we'll call you." How many countries can do that? Canada has to wait more the 4 years! The majority don't ever have the option unless they rise up and slay their leaders. And we can even kick a President out of office before his 4 years are up if he does something really heinous!

But some of us are embarrassed of our country...Well, pull up your bootstraps and do something. Vote. Write. Write letters threatening to support anyone but the guy currently in office. Find someone more suitable and do what you can to get your guy in whatever political office you want him in. It may take time, but it'll work...It'll work better than complaining on the internet, at least...


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