Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Confusing Post about Confusion

I've had this blog for awhile now, but I haven't been regularly posting on it. That's one of the many things which I want to do this regularly on PTA so that when school starts back, I'll automatically think, "I should blog this" when anything even remotely interesting happens or is discovered.

My wife, Thrifty, is more experienced in the Merry Old Land of BLOG and she told me that blogging isn't just about sharing your thoughts with thousands of's also about mingling with other bloggers, networking, socializing...


I'm not very social. I try to be. But my mind goes blank.

Party Host: "Hey, John. This is Bodog."
John: "Hey."
Bodog: "Hey, John. It's nice to meet you."
Party Host: "Oh, look...The cheese log is almost eaten away. I better go get a replacement. Have fun."
Bodog: Please note the use of italics to show internal monologue. "Geez, how many cheese logs can one person own? And who's eating that shit? I better use the restroom before those cheese eaters start nuking the place...But I should talk with this guy first...What can we talk about? Comics! What's he think about Batwoman being a lesbian? Wait, he doesn't look like a comic fan, because we comic geeks are easily identified by the Scarlet letters CG we're forced to wear to protect the rest of society from our communicable insanity...Plus, what if John here has an issue with homosexuals and he goes off on some antigay rant that I don't wanna put up with...Ooh, I know...Bush, Iraq...What's he think the US's plan should be at this point...but what if he's liberal? And he goes off on some anti-Dubya rant that I don't wanna put up with... So, I've got either an anti-Bush rant or an anti-bush-on-bush rant. If I stand here long enough, maybe he'll pick a topic...but he'll probably bring up The Lost 24 American Idol House and I'll have to explain that I don't watch TV and he'll ask why and I'll have to justify my decision to avoid that brain numbing pap, and then I might be off on an anti-TV rant that I don't wanna put up with..."Uh, it's been pretty pleasant in the evenings."
John: " in the afternoons, though."
Bodog: "Yep."
John: "Yep."
Bodog: ...
John: ...
Bodog: *belch* (Please notice my use of italics to denote onomatopia) "Ugh, scuse me. Whelp ... Uh ... This beer just running through me. Gotta go take a piss. See ya."
John: "Yep."

So,'s not pretty. In fact it's Angelina Jolie ugly. (Anyone who says she's hot hasn't looked at her face...or they have a swollen lip fetish.)

Anyway, it's better online, of course. You walk into a room and someone's already talking. You have something to contribute, you can choose to do so. If not, you can just go to another blog-room, observe the conversation, make your decision...So, I've been trying to visit some blogs and comment. SInce doing so, I've had a slight increase in comments, which is cool. I enjoy hearing what other people think about whatever I was thinking about at blog time, although I think the main factor in the increased commentage in Thrifty memeing me and linking to me because she seems to be pretty well liked.

One of the blogs Thrifty recommended to me was Mrs. Chili's blog, A Teacher's Education. I've been stopping by but I haven't commented yet because...well, even online sometimes my mind goes blank. Sorry Mrs. Chili. I'm awaiting a shipment of cerebral fix-a-flat as we speak...unless I forgot to order it...

Anyway, Mrs. Chili commented on my post Memed in the Head, my response to the second mem Thrifty sent my way. She asked a question which has thus spawned this blog blame her...

Anyway, she asked, "I'm confused about the "confusing people with students." If your students aren't people, what are they?"

This is a perfect example of what I was talking about in my response to "I Confuse..." I am a confusing guy, and I confuse people, animals, myself...I have a tendency to spread confusion like a spreading thing...that spreads things...everywhere...........

Anyway, when writing my blog, I don't like to edit much except for spelling (which sometimes I forget to do) and grammar (ditto). So I sat down to say what I confuse and I thought, "Well, I confuse people. But because teaching is one of my primary topics for the blog, I should mention that I confuse students specifically." So, I typed that I Confuse..."People and Students". Then I realized that it sounds like I don't think students are people...If I confuse people in general, then it would stand to reason that I would confuse my students, who are people...mostly. I decided to comment on my apparent separation of students from people by adding, "who I apparently think aren't people."

Long story short (Too late Asshole), I didn't mean I confuse students with people, or vice versa...I meant I am a confusing factor in the lives of people and spefically, as a confusing teacher, students.

Thanks Mrs. Chili for the comment and pointing out my continuing spread of confusion even into this Wondrous Land of BLOG!


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