Sunday, May 18, 2008

Children's Music for Parents

Driving somewhere with the children can be a harrowing adventure. Random commentary about what passes by in the window ("Happy Meal Place! There's Bumblebee!" (Any yellow car after watching Transformers)), arguements about each other ("Bravo-Boy's bothering me!"), random songs often invented by the young singers, dropped items ("Whinnnnneeee...I dropped my juice, cookie, cracker, car, book, etc."), and that's just the tip of the whine-berg. So music is invaluable in giving them something else to focus on and me something else to listen to.

But...children's music...ugh. I mean cartoons and puppets and monotonous songs, oh my! This old man, he played one little duck ran over the hill to fetch a pail of water, Jill fell down the mountain when she comes, she'll be comin' round the mountain.....ARGH! It's no wonder the average parents are testy and seem a touch insane. The CIA has begun using what they call "Soccer Mom Immersion" for interrogating purposes...

CIA: "All right, Boris, where are the secret plans?"
Boris: "I tell you nothink."
CIA: "All right, load Boris into the van. Bring JIAs (Juvenile Intelligence Agents) Jake, Emma, Madison, and Brady. Give them chocolate chip cookies and juice boxes. Put in Wheels on the Bus and I'm a Little Teapot."
Boris: "Nyet, nyet! I'll tell you everythink...everythink!!!!!"

Anyway, I digress...If that sounds familiar, without the international espionage of course, then let me see if I can help you out. I've come across a few CDs put together by popular bands for children.

I decided to blog about this after I purchsed the brand new release Snack Time by the Barenaked Ladies. It features 24 original children's songs, and they are very entertaining. If you follow the link above to Amazon, you can see a video of the first track "7 8 9" with a little something added to the end that's not on the CD. "The Ninjas" is a fun song about those deadly, silent, and unspeakably violent ninjas. "The Canadian Snacktime Trilogy", especially part II, "Popcorn" is wonderful...all the way to the end. Just a collection of fun and refreshing children's song.

The group They Might Be Giants has put out a few children's CDs like No! with highlights on "Where do they make balloons?", "John Lee Supertaster", "Clap Your Hands", and "Lazyhead and Sleepybones". They also have Here Come the ABC's with "Alphabet of Nations", "E Eats Everything", "Pictures of Pandas Painting", "Alphabet Lost and Found", "Who Put the Alphabet in Alphabetical Order", and "LMNO". I just found out they also did Here Come the 123's which I missed and will be looking into.

On a slightly strange note, I was listening to my Blues Brothers CDs and it has their version of the Rawhide theme...which Delta-Boy loved and we had to listen to several times.

Roll 'em, Roll 'em, Roll 'em
Keep them babies rollin'
Though they're disapprovin', Rawhide!


At 4:40 PM, Blogger Mrs. Chili said...

It may not get me any nominations for Mother of the Year, but my kids listen to whatever I'm listening to - often, Dave Matthews, Jonatha Brooke, or a collection of classic rock (Rush, Genesis, that sort of thing). My kids can sing some pretty interesting songs, actually....


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