Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Let me get my dust mop...

It's dusty around here.

I know, I know, I haven't been blogging! I've been getting used to my new school year and not doing a good job of it. For instance, one day I was sitting in the computer lab doing some work because the computer in my room is acting wonky. I knew that after middle school lunch, I had one period of planning before my next class. But watch what happens when the interpid teacher mixes up middle school lunch and high school lunch...Crikey, look at that! He completely missed one of his classes!

Yep, missed one completely. Came down and called the students to my room as they tried to go somewhere else and had to be explained to by the students where they were going. Doh!

I told my coworker who held onto the class that she should have radioed me. She said she would have been unbelievably embarrassed if everyone in the school heard her name radioed to come to her class. Here's where we learn about different priorities. One teacher is concerned about how said teacher appears to coworkers. One teacher is concerned that said teacher didn't do his fucking job. Appearance versus responsibility. Which is more important to you?

A similar event happened later when I forgot I had lunch duty. I had been, again, working in the computer lab (I really need my computer fixed) and was returning to my portable for some material when a coworker yelled across the parking lot.

"Mr. Asshole, do you have lunch detention?"
"I think you do!"

And sure enough, I did. So I went to the lunch room with about 10 minutes to spare of lunch time and Coach goes, "there he is!" and another coworker says, "Yep, that's him," and trudges off to scarf what she can of her lunch down before the next class. Again, "You should have radioed for me. I forgot."

"I would be mortified if my name got called for lunch duty."

Damn it! What the hell? So I'm surrounded by people who would rather screw up totally and few know than screw up a little and everyone knows. What does that say about priorities. Yep, they're getting misplaced.

I'll try and pencil some time in tomorrow to tell about my actual classes. But there may be no point cause I'll forget to wear pants soon...