Monday, August 22, 2005

Monthly Bush Rant...Part 1

Ok, it's been about a month and it's about time for one of my pro-Bush rants. Apparently, a month of anti-Bush criticism builds to critical mass once a month and the pressure must be released. I broke this one up into two parts because I want to devote all of my attention to one topic...Cindy Sheehan.

Now, this isn't directed to Cindy. She's a grieving mother and lashing out at someone to blame. I have four children. I couldn't imagine how painful it would be for one of my sons or daughters were to die, especially doing something which I disagreed with the way Cindy disagrees with the war. This is towards all those fuckers who thrust Cindy into the spotlight, made her a cause, and prevented her from being what she should be, a grieving mother, and turned her into what I called her in the previous paragraph...a topic.


At 12:34 PM, Blogger Dixie Amazon said...

I wonder what Cindy is doing for Mermorial Day?


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