Monday, July 11, 2005

Discipline Personified

Old Post #2:

So...Are many fathers treated as Discipline Personified out there? Does the Elder Dads of the omniverse cause such fear in all children? See, it was bedtime...My wife said, "Oy, lazy bastard, I'm cooking your food. Help me by putting your children to sleep" or some such thing...So I got up and assisted...which meant I crossed the house and said, "Hey, kids...time for bed. Let's go." So I carry the Crawling Chaos with me as the Creeping Terror follows me...Nydar nowhere in site. As I change Crawling Chaos and Creeping Terror, I hear from the kitchen my wife say, "You need to go get your guys ready for bed."

Nydar: "No!"
Mama-thulu: "Go get your guys ready for bed. It's time for sleep sleep."
Nydar: "No!...It's not time for sleep sleep!"
Mama-thulu: "Go get your guys ready for bed or I'll lete Dada tuck you in."
Nydar: "NOOOOO!!!!"

Yep, the mere mention of my name involved in any sleep preparations bring cries and shrieks of terror. That's me...The indescribable, horrific personification of...fatherhood.

Addendum: Nydarlathotep continues to fear my tuckings in despite bravely facing them while Mama-Thulu was in the hospital with the Rampaging Bulk. Mama-Thulu tries to assure Nydar that I am capable of putting him to bed and tucking him in, and I need to do so sometimes because sometimes Mama-Thulu can't, but that's like telling a liberal that we can bring a relative peace and Democracy in Iraq if they would just be patient. Worse, the fear of the Elder-Dad has spread to the Creeping Terror. I've still got it.


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